GPU support in MFEM

MFEM relies mainly on two features for running algorithms on devices such as GPUs:

Vector u;
Vector v;
// ...
const auto u_data = u.Read(); // Express the intent to read u
auto v_data = v.ReadWrite(); // Express the intent to read and write v

// Abstract the loop: for(int i=0; i<u.Size(); i++)
mfem::forall(u.Size(), [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int i)
      v_data[i] *= u_data[i]; // This block of code is executed on the chosen device

A list of the MFEM integrators that support device acceleration is available here.

Memory manager

In order to make the use of host/device memory as simple as possible, MFEM relies on internal memory manager. Instead of storing a pointer of type T*, each object that can be accessed on a device contains Memory<T> objects. The Memory<T> objects handle host and device pointers, memory allocations, and data synchronizations between host and device.

To get the pointer T* from a Memory<T> object, one has to use the Read(), Write(), or ReadWrite() methods.

Read(), Write(), and ReadWrite() automatically handle data movement between the host and device. They can optimize data transfer, since e.g. data that is declared as Write() on the host/device need not be updated from the device/host.

The method void UseDevice(bool) specifies if a Memory<T> object is intended for computation on host or on device. The Read(),Write(), and ReadWrite() methods will return device pointer if using the device has been set to true with UseDevice, by default it is false and will return a host pointer.

Sometimes, it is necessary to access the data specifically on the host. In this case the HostRead(), HostWrite(), and HostReadWrite() methods should be used.

In practice, developers rarely have to manipulate Memory<T> objects, instead objects data can be stored using Vector and Array<T>. Vector and Array<T> data pointers can be accessed with the same methods as Memory<T>.

Vector v;
const double *device_ptr = v.Read();
const double *host_ptr = v.HostRead();


The idea behind the mfem::forall function is to have the same behavior as a for loop and hide all device-specific code in order to enable performance portability. Example:

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)


mfem::forall(N, [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int i)

One class that is convenient to use in combination with the memory manager and mfem::forall is DeviceTensor<N,T>: an N dimensional array containing elements of type T, which by default is double. The Reshape function reshapes its input into such an N dimensional array:

Vector a;
const int p = ...;
const int q = ...;
const int r = ...;
const int N = ...;
auto A = Reshape(a.Write(), p, q, r, N); // returns a DeviceTensor<4,double>

mfem::forall(N, [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int n)
   for (int k = 0; k < r; k++)
      for (int j = 0; j < q; j++)
         for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
            A(i,j,k,n) = ...;

Several variants of mfem::forall exist, such as mfem::forall_2D and mfem::forall_3D, to help map 2D or 3D blocks of threads to the hardware more efficiently. In the case of a GPU, mfem::forall_3D(N, X,Y,Z, [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int n){...}) will declare N block of threads each of size XxYxZ threads, whereas mfem::forall uses N/MFEM_CUDA_BLOCKS block of threads each of size MFEM_CUDA_BLOCKS = 256 threads. Using mfem::forall_3D (and mfem::forall_2D) over mfem::forall results in a higher level of parallelism, the former using NxXxYxZ software threads and the latter only N software threads.

In order to exploit 2D or 3D blocks of threads, it is convenient to use the macro MFEM_FOREACH_THREAD(i,x,p) to use threads as a for loop. The first variable i is the name of the "loop" variable, x is the threadId (it can take the values x, y, or z), and p is the loop upper bound. If we rewrite the previous example using mfem::forall_3D and MFEM_FOREACH_THREAD, we get:

Vector a;
const int p = ...;
const int q = ...;
const int r = ...;
const int N = ...;
auto A = Reshape(a.Write(), p, q, r, N); // returns a DeviceTensor<4,double>

mfem::forall_3D(N, p, q, r,  [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int n)
            A(i,j,k,n) = ...;

The reasons for this more complex syntax is to better utilize the hardware, GPUs in particular. Using mfem::forall_3D and MFEM_FOREACH_THREAD allows to use more concurrency NxXxYxZ threads instead of only N threads with mfem::forall, but more importantly the memory accesses on A(i,j,k,n) are much better with mfem::forall_3D. With mfem::forall_3D, threads access consecutive memory (i.e. coalesced memory access). Because most applied math algorithms are memory bound, having coalesced memory accesses is critical to achieve high performance.

Achieving high performance on GPUs

Finite element algorithms are usually memory bound on GPUs, and therefore in order to achieve peak performance one has to maximize the utilization of the different memory bandwidths. In particular, the main memory, or device memory, is the memory that has to be maximally used (i.e. saturated) in order to achieve peak performance. It is important to not saturate memory bandwidth other than the main memory bandwidth, failing to do so will decrease the main memory throughput by creating memory bandwidth bottlenecks.

Maximizing the main memory bandwidth is achieved by issuing enough memory transactions and using efficiently the transferred data. The more computationally light a kernel is the more frequently memory transactions are issued, and if there is no memory bandwidth saturated other than the main memory bandwidth, e.g: shared or L1 memory, then the first condition to achieve peak performance is fulfilled. Memory is transferred by contiguous blocks, called cache-line, which are typically the size of 32 float, or 16 double. Since each cache-line is a block of contiguous memory it is common to over-fetch data when accessing non-contiguous memory addresses (because not all the data is used in each cache-line). In the worst case, only one float of each cache-line is used resulting in only 1/32 of the data transferred being used, such a kernel is potentially 32 times slower than a kernel that fully utilizes the data in each cache line. When a kernel is carefully written to use all the data from each cache-line, the memory access are often referred as coalesced memory access. Having coalesced memory access kernels is critical to achieving peak performance.

In term of parallelization, when seeing GPUs as having only one level of parallelism over threads, severe constraints are imposed to the kernels in order to achieve high performance. Each thread is limited to 255 float registers, using more registers results in what is known as register spilling which significantly impacts performance, this is why this type of parallelization strategy should only be used for the most simple kernels. Therefore, it is usually a good strategy to see GPUs as having two levels of parallelism: the coarse parallelism level among block of threads, and the fine parallelism level among threads in a block of threads. Threads in different blocks of threads can only exchange data through the main memory, therefore data exchange between blocks of threads should be kept to the absolute minimum. Threads inside a block of threads can exchange data efficiently by using the shared memory. Shared memory can also be used to store data common between threads, but stored data should be carefully managed due to the very limited storage capacity of the shared memory. Due to their low arithmetic intensity, finite element algorithms often require a significant amount of shared memory bandwidth to exchange information between threads in a block. High amounts of shared memory bandwidth usage is a common bottleneck to achieve high performance. In order to be used efficiently, shared memory also requires specific memory access patterns to prevent bank conflicts. When bank conflicts occur, memory access are serialized instead of being parallel. Each cache line in the shared memory is linearly spread over the shared memory banks, if the threads in a block of threads access different data in the same bank then a bank conflict occurs. However, if the threads in a block access the same data in a bank, or different data in different banks, then the memory access can occur optimally in parallel.

Profiling on NVIDIA GPUs

When profiling to improve the performance of a memory bound kernel, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Measure the main memory bandwidth and efficiency: this tells us how far from peak throughput we are.

  2. Insure that no register spills are occurring: most kernels can be written without any register spilling.

  3. Measure the shared memory bandwidth and efficiency: try to prevent the shared memory to be the performance bottleneck.

Optimizing the main memory usage

The first thing we need to know is how far from peak throughput and how efficiently the main memory is accessed. For instance, with nvprof the following command nvprof --metrics gld_throughput,gst_throughput,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency gives us the desired information. The sum of the load throughput (gld_throughput) and store throughput (gst_throughput) should be as close as possible to the main memory maximum bandwidth. gld_efficiency and gst_efficiency informs us on ratio of requested global memory load/store throughput to required global memory load/store throughput expressed as percentage. As mentioned above, efficiency issues are critical to achieve peak performance and are solved by coalescing memory access.

Once we know how far we are from peak throughput, one should look at the main stall reasons to get an idea of what might be slowing down the kernels:

You can use nvprof --metrics with:

Optimizing the register usage

Register spilling can be detected in two ways:

Register spills happen for two main reasons:

When each thread uses too many registers it is often useful to redesign the kernel to use more threads per block to perform the computation, this lowers the amount of registers used per thread but usually increases the shared memory usage due to more distributed data. Computing indices at compilation can often be resolved by simply unrolling loops with MFEM_UNROLL and making sure that all the necessary information to compute the indices is known at compilation time.

Roofline model

A roofline model helps predicting the peak performance achievable by a specific algorithm. The arithmetic intensity is the ratio of the total number of operations divided by the amount of data movement from and to the main memory. By dividing the maximum FLOPs, by the maximum bandwidth we get an arithmetic intensity threshold value between the two main regime of a GPU. A kernel with an arithmetic intensity below or above the threshold value will be memory bound or computation bound respectively.

For in depths performance analysis we recommend to look at efficiency issues

The list of all the possible metrics for nvprof is available here.

Tips & Tricks

Compile in debug mode when developing for devices

The memory manager performs checks that catches most of the misuse of the memory on host or device. When using device debug, if your code fails you can run gdb or lldb, and set a breakpoint at b mfem::mfem_error. The code will break as soon as it reaches this point and then you can backtrace bt from here to see what went wrong and where.

Forcing synchronization with the host or the device

It is sometimes needed to force synchronization between host and device data. In order to make sure that the host data is synchronized one should use HostRead(), similarly to ensure synchronized data on the device one should use Read().

Do not use GetData

Do not use GetData() to access a pointer for device work since this will always return the host pointer without synchronizing the data with the device.

Tracking data movements and allocations

Compiling MFEM with MFEM_TRACK_CUDA_MEM can help by printing when data is transferred, allocated, etc. Large amount of data movement between host and device should be avoided at all costs. Pinpoint where this is occurring and see if you can refactor your code so the data stays mainly on the device. Avoid allocating GPU memory too frequently, CUDA malloc calls are slow and can hinder performance. If you really need to allocate frequently GPU memory, consider using a memory pool (e.g. Umpire), that way the mallocs are much cheaper on the GPU.

The UseDevice function

It is a good practice to call UseDevice(true) on any Vector intended to go on device right after constructing it.

Vector v; v.UseDevice(true);

Be aware that UseDevice() is not the same as UseDevice(true), the first one just returns a boolean that tells you whether the object is intended for computation on the device or not.

Using constexpr inside mfem::forall

constexpr P = ...; // Results in an error on MSVC
mfem::forall(N, [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int n)
   double my_data[P];

The mfem::forall macro relies on lambda capturing in C++. One issue comes up with compilers such as MSVC is the capturing of constexpr variables inside mfem::forall. According to the C++ standard, constexpr variables do not need to be captured, and should not lose their const-ness in a lambda. However, on MSVC (e.g. in the MFEM AppVeyor CI checks), this can result in errors like:

error C2131: expression did not evaluate to a constant

A simple fix for this error is to declare the constexpr variable as static constexpr.

static constexpr P = ...; // Omitting the static results in an error on MSVC
mfem::forall(N, [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int n)
   double my_data[P];

Similar problems and workarounds are discussed here.

Error: "alias not found"

This error message indicates that you are trying to move an "alias" Vector to GPU while its "base" Vector did not have a GPU allocation (valid or not) when the alias was created (and may still not have GPU allocation when the move of the "alias" was attempted). This is another case where we cannot update the "base" Vector because we do not have access to it (and even if we did, there are complications).

This can be avoided if one follows the following rule: if you are creating an "alias" that will be used on device, you need to ensure that the "base" is allocated on that device.

Depending on the context, one can use different methods to do that. For example, if the "base" is initialized (on host, otherwise there will be no issue) in the same function that will create the alias, one can call base.Write() to create the device allocation followed by base.HostWrite() and then initialize "base" on host -- this sequence avoids any unnecessary host-device transfers.

Another example: if the "base" was initialized outside of the function where the "alias" is created, then the most appropriate choice probably is to call base.Read() before creating the "alias". Since the alias will need the data on device, the incurred host-to-device transfer is (at least partially) necessary anyway.

Ideally, "base" Vectors that will be modified/accessed on device through aliases should be allocated on device to begin with, e.g. using Vector::SetSize(int s, MemoryType mt) typically with mt = Device::GetDeviceMemoryType().

MakeRef vectors do not see the same valid host/device data as their base vector

Consider the following code snippet where the vector w is defined from v using the MakeRef() method:

const int vSize = 10;
Vector v; v.UseDevice(true); v.SetSize(vSize); v = 0.0;
cout << "IsHost(v) = " << IsHostMemory(v.GetMemory().GetMemoryType()) << endl;

Vector w; w.MakeRef(v, 0, vSize);
cout << "IsHost(w) = " << IsHostMemory(w.GetMemory().GetMemoryType()) << endl;

auto hv = v.HostWrite();
for (int j = 0; j < vSize; j++) { hv[j] = 1.0; }
cout << "IsHost(v) = " << IsHostMemory(v.GetMemory().GetMemoryType()) << endl;
cout << "IsHost(w) = " << IsHostMemory(w.GetMemory().GetMemoryType()) << endl;

Vector z; z.UseDevice(true); z.SetSize(vSize);
auto dz = z.Write();
auto dw = w.Read();
mfem::forall(vSize, [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int i) { dz[i] = dw[i]; });
cout << "norm(z) = " << z.Norml2() << endl;

dz = z.Write();
auto dv = v.Read();
mfem::forall(vSize, [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int i) { dz[i] = dv[i]; });
cout << "norm(z) = " << z.Norml2() << endl;

The resulting output may be unexpected:

IsHost(v) = 0
IsHost(w) = 0
IsHost(v) = 1
IsHost(w) = 0
norm(z) = 0
norm(z) = 3.16228

Basically the issue is that the Memory objects (inside the Vectors) do not know about the other version, so they cannot update the validity flags (the host and device validity flags indicate which of the pointers has valid data) of the other Vector. Also such update may not make sense if you just moved the subvector.

There is no easy way to keep the big "base" Vector v and the "alias" subvector w synchronized when they are being moved/copied between host and device. Therefore such synchronizations need to be done "manually" using the methods Vector::SyncMemory and Vector::SyncAliasMemory.

In the example above, after you move the "base" Vector v to host, you need to "inform" the "alias" w that the validity flags of its base have been changed. This is done by calling w.SyncMemory(v) which simply copies the validity flags from v to w, there are no host-device memory transfers involved.

On the other hand, if in the example you moved w to host and modified it there, and then you want to access the data through the base Vector v (you can think of the more general case here, when w is smaller than v) then you need to call w.SyncAliasMemory(v). In this particular case, the call will move the subvector described by w from host to device and update the validity flags of w to be the same as the ones of v. This way the whole Vector v gets the real data in one location -- before the call part of it was on device and the part described by w was on host.

Both w.SyncMemory(v) and w.SyncAliasMemory(v) ensure that w gets the validity flags of v, the difference is where the real data is before the call -- in the first case the real data is in v and in the second, it is in w.