
MFEM's spatial integrations are performed in the usual finite element manner by first splitting the spatial domain into a collection of non-overlapping "elements" which cover the domain. This is usually referred to as the "mesh". An integral can then be computed separately in each element and the results added together:

$$ \int_\Omega f(x)\,d\Omega = \sum_i\int_{\Omega_i}f(x)\,d\Omega $$

Where $\Omega$ is the full domain and $\Omega_i$ is the domain of the i-th element. In MFEM this sum over elements is performed in classes such as the BilinearForm or LinearForm and their parallel counterparts.

Elements come in a variety of shapes and they may be flat-sided or curved. For this reason it is much simpler to perform the element-wise integrations on reference elements which have relatively simple shapes. For example in 2D we might integrate over a unit square rather than an arbitrary quadrilateral.

Finite element methods typically make the assumption that the functions to be integrated are non-singular and at least reasonably smooth. This enables us to employ families of relatively simple quadrature rules which are designed for accurately integrating polynomials. This is in contrast to boundary element methods which require more specialized rules which can accurately integrate singularities. Our rules take the form:

$$\int_{\Omega_i} f(x)\,d\Omega \approx \sum_j w_j\,f(x(u_j))\,|J_i(u_j)|\label{eq:quad_rule}$$

Where $w_j$ are the quadrature weights, $u_j$ are the quadrature points within the reference element, and $|J_i(u_j)|$ is the Jacobian determinant for element $i$ at the location $u_j$. Integrals at this level are typically computed by classes derived from BilinearFormIntegrator or LinearFormIntegrator, see Bilinear Form Integrators or Linear Form Integrators for numerous examples.

Integration Rules

The basic building block of an integration rule is the IntegrationPoint. This is a minimal object with member data 'x', 'y', 'z', and 'weight' (and an integer 'index' which indicates the point's place in an integration rule). These store the coordinates of the integration point in the reference coordinate system, $u_j$ from equation $\ref{eq:quad_rule}$ is defined as $u_j\equiv(x,y,z)$ , along with the quadrature weight, $w$ also from equation $\ref{eq:quad_rule}$.

Integration points can be collected together into an IntegrationRule object. IntegrationRule is little more than a container for the set of IntegrationPoint objects associated with an integration rule for a given order of accuracy within the domain of a specific reference element.

IntegrationRule objects are in turn collected together into the IntRules global object. This object constructs and caches all IntegrationRule objects requested by the calling program. On one hand the IntRules global object is a container class which categorizes IntegrationRule objects by element type and order of accuracy but more importantly it is responsible for allocating IntegrationRule objects and populating them with appropriate IntegrationPoint objects.

It is also possible to sidestep the IntRules global object and setup custom IntegrationRule objects. These custom integration rules can then be passed to BilinearFormIntegrator or LinearFormIntegrator objects (using custom integration rules with mixed meshes currently requires specialized handling).

Coordinate Transformations

The coordinate transformation from the reference element to an individual mesh element is performed by the ElementTransformation class. Objects of this class are prepared by the Mesh object and retrieved in various ways depending on context.

For standard mesh elements

for (int e = 0; e < mesh->GetNE(); e++)
   ElementTransformation *Trans = mesh->GetElementTransformation(e);


or for boundary elements

for (int be = 0; be < mesh->GetNBE(); be++)
   ElementTransformation *Trans = mesh->GetBdrElementTransformation(be);


or for faces (usually in a Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) context)

for (int f = 0; f < mesh->GetNumFaces(); f++)
   FaceElementTransformation *FETrans = mesh->GetFaceElementTransformation(f);


or, finally, for boundary faces in a DG context

for (int bf = 0; bf < mesh->GetNBE(); bf++)
   FaceElementTransformation *FETrans = mesh->GetBdrFaceElementTransformation(bf);


A FaceElementTransformation object is a convenience object for easily accessing the three ElementTransformation objects associated with a mesh face and its two neighboring elements. In the case of boundary faces one of the neighboring element transformation objects is not present.

In addition to transforming coordinates between the reference and global coordinate systems an ElementTransformation object can be used to compute the following quantities related to the Jacobian matrix:

Name C++ Expression Formula
Jacobian Matrix const DenseMatrix &J = Trans.Jacobian() ${\bf J}_{ij} = \frac{\partial x_i}{\partial u_j}$
Jacobian Determinant double detJ = Trans.Weight() $\det({\bf J})$
Inverse Jacobian const DenseMatrix &InvJ = Trans.InverseJacobian() ${\bf J}^{-1}$
Adjugate Jacobian const DenseMatrix &AdjJ = Trans.AdjugateJacobian() $\det({\bf J})\,{\bf J}^{-1}$

Since these quantities can be expensive to compute the ElementTransformation object will avoid recomputing values whenever possible. However, once a new quadrature point is set, using ElementTransformation::SetIntPoint(), any cached values will be overwritten by subsequent calls to the above functions.

Writing Custom Integrators

Element-wise integration arises in various places in the finite element method. A few of the most common occurrences are square and rectangular bilinear form operators, linear functionals, and the calculation of norms from field data.

Type Primary Function Needing Implementation
Square Operators BilinearFormIntegrator::AssembleElementMatrix
Rectangular Operators BilinearFormIntegrator::AssembleElementMatrix2
Linear Functionals LinearFormIntegrator::AssembleRHSElementVect

Development of a new norm or another custom integral might follow the code found in GridFunction::ComputeElementLpErrors.

The pieces that are common to each of these include:

An appropriate quadrature order depends on many variables. If we could restrict ourselves to integrating polynomials then a specific order would produce an exact result and a higher order would only incur additional effort. However, skewed or curved elements can introduce a rational polynomial factor through the inverse Jacobian of the element transformation. Furthermore, non-trivial material coefficients can introduce factors with arbitrary functional forms. Useful rules of thumb for linear and bilinear form integration orders are:

It can be appropriate to lower the basis function order by one if a derivative of the basis function is being used. It might be appropriate to increase the order if the coefficient is expected to vary more rapidly but, in such a case, it would probably be more appropriate to further refine the mesh. Appropriate orders for computing norms should probably follow the guidance for bilinear forms since most common norms tend to be quadratic.

For example a custom integrator for a rectangular operator might start with the following lines:

void CustomIntegrator::AssembleElementMatrix2(const FiniteElement &trial_fe,
                                              const FiniteElement &test_fe,
                                              ElementTransformation &Trans,
                                              DenseMatrix &elmat)
   // Determine an appropriate integration rule order
   int order = trial_fe.GetOrder() // Polynomial order of domain space
             + test_fe.GetOrder()  // Polynomial order of range space
             + Trans.OrderW();     // Polynomial order of the geometry

   // Determine the element type: triangle, quadrilateral, tetrahedron, etc.
   Geometry::Type geom = Trans.GetGeometryType();

   // Construct or retrieve an integration rule for the appropriate
   // reference element with the desired order of accuracy
   const IntegrationRule * ir = &IntRules.Get(Trans.GetGeometryType(), order);


This example uses the IntRules global object but custom integration rules could be provided through the use of a similar global object or by some other means.

The next piece is to loop over the integration points and, in most cases, make use of the ElementTransformation object.


// Loop over each quadrature point in the reference element
for (int i = 0; i < ir->GetNPoints(); i++)
   // Extract the current quadrature point from the integration rule
   const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir->IntPoint(i);

   // Prepare to evaluate the coordinate transformation at the current
   // quadrature point

   // Compute the Jacobian determinant at the current integration point
   double detJ = Trans.Weight();


The final piece is to evaluate the function to be integrated. This often involves evaluation of a Coefficient object as well as one or two sets of basis functions or their derivatives. The coefficient should be straightforward, simply call its Eval method with the ElementTransformation and IntegrationPoint objects and perhaps a Vector or DenseMatrix to hold the resulting coefficient value when appropriate. Basis function evaluation can be a bit more complicated.

Basis Function Evaluation

Some basis functions, particularly vector-valued basis functions, partially depend upon the geometry of the physical element in addition to their dependence on the reference element.

The scalar basis functions provided by the H1_FECollection are straightforward. Simply call FiniteElement::CalcShape with the current quadrature point to retrieve a vector containing the values of each basis function evaluated at the given point in reference space.


// Retrieve the number of basis functions
int tr_dof = trial_fe.GetDof();

// Allocate a vector to hold the values of each basis function
Vector tr_shape(tr_dof);

// Loop over each quadrature point in the reference element
for (int i = 0; i < ir->GetNPoints(); i++)
   // Extract the current quadrature point from the integration rule
   const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir->IntPoint(i);


   // Evaluate the basis functions at the point ip
   trial_fe.CalcShape(ip, tr_shape);


For other types of basis functions it can be simpler to call CalcPhysShape or CalcPhysVShape. These, and similar evaluation functions with "Phys" in the name, internally perform the geometric transformation of the basis functions when necessary. This is clearly a convenience feature but it can lead to unnecessary computations when certain optimizations are possible.

In the following table subscripts on the derivative operators indicate which coordinate system is being used to compute the derivative; 'x' for the physical coordinates and 'u' for the reference coordinates. Quantities with a caret above them indicate functions computed in the reference coordinate system.

Family Evaluation Transformation
H1 Basis None
H1 Gradient of Basis $\nabla_x\varphi_i = (J^{-1})^T\nabla_u\hat{\varphi}_i$
ND Basis $\vec{W}_i = (J^{-1})^T\hat{W}_i$
ND Curl of Basis $\nabla_x\times\vec{W}_i = \frac{1}{\det(J)}J\,\nabla_u\times\hat{W}_i$
RT Basis $\vec{F}_i = \frac{1}{\det(J)}J\,\hat{F}_i$
RT Divergence of Basis $\nabla_x\cdot\vec{F}_i = \frac{1}{\det(J)}\nabla_u\cdot\hat{F}_i$
L2 (INTEGRAL) Basis $\psi_i = \frac{1}{\det(J)}\hat{\psi}_i$
L2 (VALUE) Basis None

Use of these "CalcPhys" functions enable integrators to be used with a wider variety of basis function families without the need to explicitly handle these transformations within the integrator. This leads to more general implementations but at the possible cost of added computational expense. For example, a LinearFormIntegrator involving an L2 basis function using the INTEGRAL map type would both multiply and divide by the Jacobian determinant at each integration point. Clearly this is unnecessary and could significantly increase the computational effort needed to compute the integrals.

Working with the MixedScalarIntegrator

The MixedScalarIntegrator is designed to help construct BilinearFormIntegrators which build an integrand from two sets of scalar-valued basis function evaluations. Such integrands will involve combinations of the following quantities:

To derive a custom integrator from MixedScalarIntegrator a developer need only define constructors for the custom integrator. Only one constructor is necessary but support of various coefficient types is often useful.

class MixedScalarMassIntegrator : public MixedScalarIntegrator
   MixedScalarMassIntegrator() { same_calc_shape = true; }
   MixedScalarMassIntegrator(Coefficient &q)
      : MixedScalarIntegrator(q) { same_calc_shape = true; }

By default this integrator will compute the operator:

$$a_{ij} = \int_{\Omega_e}q(x)\,f_j(x)\,g_i(x)\,d\Omega$$

Where $f_j$ and $g_i$ are two sets of scalar-valued basis functions which produces a "mass" matrix.

The MixedScalarIntegrator has two public methods and five protected methods which can be overridden to customize the integrator.

The public methods are AssembleElementMatrix for use with the BilinearForm class of square bilinear forms and AssembleElementMatrix2 for use with the MixedBilinearForm class of rectangular bilinear forms. Typically only one of these is necessary and the default implementations will often suffice. However, one or both of these methods may be overridden by a derived class if some customization is desired. For example, to implement optimizations related to coordinate transformations or custom integration rules, etc..

More commonly a derived class will need to override one or both of the CalcTestShape and CalcTrialShape methods which compute the necessary basis function values. For example the four types of scalar basis function evaluations supported by MixedScalarIntegrator could be obtained by these overrides of the trial (domain) finite element basis functions:

/// Evaluate the scalar-valued basis functions
inline virtual void CalcTrialShape(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                                   ElementTransformation &Trans,
                                   Vector & shape)
{ trial_fe.CalcPhysShape(Trans, shape); }


/// Evaluate the divergence of the vector-valued basis functions
virtual void CalcTrialShape(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                            ElementTransformation &Trans,
                            Vector & shape)
{ trial_fe.CalcPhysDivShape(Trans, shape); }


/// Evaluate the 2D curl of the vector-valued basis functions
inline virtual void CalcTrialShape(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                                   ElementTransformation &Trans,
                                   Vector & shape)
   DenseMatrix dshape(shape.GetData(), shape.Size(), 1);
   trial_fe.CalcPhysCurlShape(Trans, dshape);


/// Evaluate the 1D gradient of the scalar-valued basis functions
inline virtual void CalcTrialShape(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                                   ElementTransformation &Trans,
                                   Vector & shape)
   DenseMatrix dshape(shape.GetData(), shape.Size(), 1);
   trial_fe.CalcPhysDShape(Trans, dshape);

Similar overrides could be implemented for the test (range) space. Of course other overrides are possible and may be quite useful for other custom integrators.

The next override that is often advisable is VerifyFiniteElementTypes which provides a means of testing the FiniteElement objects passed by the BilinearForm class to make sure they support the evaluations needed by the CalcTestShape and CalcTrialShape methods. This override is optional but highly recommended. As an example the following override verifies that the geometry is one dimensional and that the trial (domain) space supports evaluation of the gradient of the basis functions.

inline virtual bool VerifyFiniteElementTypes(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                                             const FiniteElement & test_fe
                                             ) const
   return (trial_fe.GetDim() == 1 && test_fe.GetDim() == 1 &&
           trial_fe.GetDerivType() == mfem::FiniteElement::GRAD  &&
           test_fe.GetRangeType()  == mfem::FiniteElement::SCALAR );

A related optional method can be used to output an appropriate error message in the event that unsuitable basis functions have been provided. For example the following error message might be appropriate in conjunction with the previous VerifyFiniteElementTypes implementation:

inline virtual const char * FiniteElementTypeFailureMessage() const
   return "Trial and test spaces must both be scalar fields in 1D "
          "and the trial space must implement CalcDShape.";

The last optional protected method allows a certain flexibility in the choice of quadrature order. The default implementation is shown below but other choices may be suitable.

inline virtual int GetIntegrationOrder(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                                       const FiniteElement & test_fe,
                                       ElementTransformation &Trans)
{ return trial_fe.GetOrder() + test_fe.GetOrder() + Trans.OrderW(); }

A wide variety of bilinear forms can be easily implemented using the MixedScalarIntegrator. Most of these are probably already included in MFEM, see Bilinear Form Integrators for a listing, but other options may be useful.

Working with the MixedVectorIntegrator

The MixedVectorIntegrator is very similar in spirit to the MixedScalarIntegrator but the integrand in this case is computed as the inner product of two vectors. Such integrands will involve combinations of the following quantities:

By default this integrator will compute different operators based on coefficient type:

Coefficient Type Default Integral
Scalar $a_{ij} = \int_{\Omega_e}q(x)\,\vec{F}_j(x)\cdot\,\vec{G}_i(x)\,d\Omega$
Matrix $a_{ij} = \int_{\Omega_e}\left(Q(x)\,\vec{F}_j(x)\right)\cdot\,\vec{G}_i(x)\,d\Omega$
Vector $a_{ij} = \int_{\Omega_e}\left(\vec{q}(x)\times\vec{F}_j(x)\right)\cdot\,\vec{G}_i(x)\,d\Omega$

Where $\vec{F}_j$ and $\vec{G}_i$ are two sets of vector-valued basis functions which produces a "mass" matrix.

The MixedVectorIntegrator also has public and protected methods which may be overridden in an analogous manner to those in MixedScalarIntegrator to implement an even wider variety of custom integrators. Note that the default implementation of the assembly methods do assume a square matrix coefficient but this assumption could be removed if necessary.

The CalcTestShape and CalcTrialShape methods which compute the necessary vector-valued basis function values might be overridden as follows:

/// Evaluate the vector-valued basis functions
inline virtual void CalcTrialShape(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                                   ElementTransformation &Trans,
                                   DenseMatrix & shape)
{ trial_fe.CalcVShape(Trans, shape); }


/// Evaluate the gradient of the scalar-valued basis functions
inline virtual void CalcTrialShape(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                                   ElementTransformation &Trans,
                                   DenseMatrix & shape)
{ trial_fe.CalcPhysDShape(Trans, shape); }


/// Evaluate the 3D curl of the vector-valued basis functions
inline virtual void CalcTrialShape(const FiniteElement & trial_fe,
                                   ElementTransformation &Trans,
                                   DenseMatrix & shape)
{ trial_fe.CalcPhysCurlShape(Trans, shape); }

Many of the possible MixedVectorIntegrator customizations are already included in MFEM. See Bilinear Form Integrators for a listing.

Working with the MixedScalarVectorIntegrator

The MixedScalarVectorIntegrator follows naturally from the MixedScalarIntegrator and the MixedVectorIntegrator. The integrand in this case is computed as the product of a scalar basis function with a vector basis function. However, since the integrand must be scalar valued, a vector-valued coefficient will always be required.

The types of scalar-valued basis functions will include:

The types of vector-valued basis functions will include:

By default this integrator will compute different operators based on the choice of the trial and test spaces and, in 2D, how the vector coefficient should be employed:

$$a_{ij} = \int_{\Omega_e}\left(\vec{q}(x)\,f_j(x)\right)\cdot\vec{G}_i(x)\,d\Omega\label{msv_def}$$


$$a_{ij} = \int_{\Omega_e}\left(\vec{q}(x)\cdot\vec{F}_j(x)\right)\,g_i(x)\,d\Omega\label{msv_trans}$$

or in 2D there is an option to compute

$$a_{ij} = \int_{\Omega_e}\left(\vec{q}(x)\,f_j(x)\right)\times\vec{G}_i(x)\,d\Omega\label{msv_2d_def}$$

or (again optionally in 2D)

$$a_{ij} = \int_{\Omega_e}\left(\vec{q}(x)\times\vec{F}_j(x)\right)\,g_i(x)\,d\Omega\label{msv_2d_trans}$$

The methods that a developer may choose to override are again quite similar to those in MixedScalarIntegrator and MixedVectorIntegrator. The main difference is the basis function overrides which have been renamed to CalcShape for the scalar-valued basis and CalcVShape for the vector-valued basis. By default it is assumed that the trial (domain) space is scalar-valued and the test (range) space is vector-valued as in equations \ref{msv_def} and \ref{msv_2d_def}. The choice of trial and test spaces is here controlled by a transpose option in the MixedScalarVectorIntegrator constructor. If transpose == true then equations \ref{msv_trans} and \ref{msv_2d_trans} are assumed. The choice between equations \ref{msv_def} and \ref{msv_trans} on the one hand and equations \ref{msv_2d_def} and \ref{msv_2d_trans} on the other is made with the cross_2d optional constructor argument.

There are several customizations of this integrator included in MFEM but others are possible. See Bilinear Form Integrators for a listing.